Lanty's core practice consists of designing and making ceramics by hand. He takes a minimal approach to form, favouring simple thrown or slip cast vessels that act as canvases for his surface designs. He takes his inspiration from natural surfaces, textures and patterns.
For the past three years he has specialised in working with porcelain, creating both glazed and unglazed pieces. He is particularly interested in exploring the contrast between the textured and smooth surfaces. After firing, this contrast is accentuated by grinding and polishing the vitrified clay.
Over the past year (2016/17) he has been developing water etched surfaces and will be showcasing some of this new work alongside his original carved pieces at upcoming events.
Lanty was the winner of the Potclays Emerging Makers Award at ICF in 2015 and spent a 4 week residency at the Archie Bray Foundation for the Ceramic Arts near Helena, Montana in November 2016. He made a presentation detailing his time there at the 2017 International Ceramics Festival in Aberystwyth.